Andrey Kolesnikov

Coordination Center director, 2009–2015

Andrey Kolesnikov was one the most active members of the Coordination Center Council for a long time. Creation of the first Cyrillic ccTLD, .РФ, in 2010 was the most important and notable event of his tenure at the Coordination Center. Today Andrey Kolesnikov is the head of the Internet of Things Association that unites companies introducing and promoting IoT solutions in various sectors of the economy.

Incomplete higher education

Before the Coordination Center
Building the internet under the yoke of the corporate world for 20 years

Years in the industry:
33 years

Director of the Internet of Things Association

Main events at the center during his tenure:
Launch of .РФ and Technical Center of Internet

Andrey’s brief characterization of the Coordination Center during his tenure
A very successful national registry operating in accordance with global standards